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Training and Events for the Diary. Alibre Essentials and Advanced. 3D scan to CAD hands on one day E

New Alibre training courses for the diary

Alibre Essentials

A two day course for those who want to maintain their understanding of the basics and essential features of Alibre

When 12th and 13th June

Where Mintronics Office , 43 Duke Street, Darlington

Alibre Advanced

A one day course for those who require more advanced tools as included in Alibre design Expert.

When Thursday 27th June

Where Mintronics Office, 43 Duke Street Darlington

Cost £290 plus VAT

Read full agenda



A one day training course or hands on with desk top scanning and Geomagic Design X using a component for 3D scanning and reverse engineering with Geomagic Design X

When/ 17th July

Where/ Mintronics office 43, Duke Street, Darlington

Cost £40.00 plus VAT

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