gtag('config', 'AW-700353711');
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4MCAD 25 New Release: What's New?

We have been partners with 4M for over 12 years, and one of the things that always impresses us is their ongoing commitment to product development. This is evident in the latest release of 4MCAD 25, which brings with it a whole host of enhancements and new features which you can read about below:

Performance Enhancements

· Redesigned based on the latest ICAD13.0 engine and new ODA 2024.12 libraries.

· Increased speed when handling drawings with numerous blocks, external references, and 3D Solids.

· Improved performance of zoom and pan commands in drawings with a high number of entities.

· Reduced memory usage when opening and closing drawings.

New Features

· Ability to create and edit advanced blocks using parameters, actions, and visibility states.

· Assignment of layers to AEC entities and management of these layers.

· Ability to create and customize AEC entity styles (e.g., walls, windows, doors, stairs).

· Automatic creation and addition of blocks to the Tool Palette with a simple drag-and-drop from the Windows File Explorer.

· New command for direct conversion of RVT files to IFC.

· New command for automatic adjustment of the Z-coordinate of all entities in a drawing.

· New "Super Hatch" command to fill an area using a selected image, texture, block, or external reference.

· Manage layers for .ifc underlays in the BIM Properties pane.

· Extract data from .ifc, .rvt, and .rfa files.

· Unload BIM underlays in the Xref Manager dialog.

· Use the Flatshot command to create a 2D projection of three-dimensional solids and surfaces.

· Quick Calculator pane and calculate mathematical, geometric, and scientific expressions, and convert units of measurement.

· Export tables to .csv files.

Data Import/Export

· Ability to export data from .dgn/.ifc/.rvt/.rfa files, external references, advanced blocks, and AEC entities.

· Creation of filters for exporting data that meets specific conditions.

· Selection of entities for import from IFC files and setting import options.

· Export of the active viewport to a BMP (.bmp) file.

· Ability to load and save print stamp setting files (.pss).


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