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Alibre Training - 25th and 26th April 2023

This is a 2 day course which we tailor to the experience levels and requirements of the attendees.

Training course information

Course Fee: £750 + VAT per attendee (two day course) – Invoice to be paid prior to course start date.

Location: Mintronics office, 43 Duke Street, Darlington DL3 7RX – This is central to Darlington, so there is plenty of hotels close by.

Dates: 25th and 26th April 2023

Lunch: Will be provided by Mintronics – Please let us know of any dietary requirements.

Equipment: Trainees to bring own laptop -Software can be provided for anyone that does not have a licence of Alibre.

Course Format and Agenda:

This training course is ran by Alibre expert Robert Footitt. Rob has a vast knowledge and experience within the sector and has organised and managed many training courses throughout his career.

Generally we use a guided tutorial, followed by practice sessions on various elements of the software. If you have any drawings of parts you would like advice on, please bring them along.

Below is an example of a past training course to give you an idea of areas that are covered:

Day 1:

09:00 – 12:30: Introduction to the design interface, recommended settings & system options. The Part workspace, opening and saving data files. Working with parts: Sketching - Feature Creation - Reference Geometry - Editing Sketches and Features

12:30 – 13:00: Lunch

13:00 – 16:00: Parts (continued) - Working with sheet metal: Sheet Metal Parameters - Tabs - Flanges - Dimple and cut features - Flat Pattern 16:00 – 17:00 - Attendee questions / supplied examples.

Day 2 :

09:00 – 12:30: Recap of part and sheet metal design - Assembly Work - Inserting parts and sub assemblies - The 'Standard' constrain tool - The 'Quick' constrain tool - Simple Simulation of Mechanism (using standard assembly tools) - 3D Section Views - Creating Exploded Views

12:30 – 13:00: Lunch

13:00 – 16:00: Continued work on Assembly - Drawings: Creating A Custom Drawing Template - View Creation - Dimensioning - Section, Detail and Partial Views -Importing and exporting data - Getting Assistance

16:00 – 16:30: Attendee questions / supplied examples.


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